WHICHEVER country has the cheapest energy will get
the best jobs and at the moment that is the United States as a result of its
shale oil and gas revolution.
This has slashed energy bills, will help make the US
energy independent, and has created one million new jobs with a further two
million expected.
In a recent World Energy Outlook, the International
Energy Agency warned that Europe could lose a third of its global share of
exports from energy intensive industries because of price disparities between
it and the US.
This is particularly relevant to the North East,
which is the only net exporter in the UK, with many of these goods made by the
energy-intensive process industries on Teesside.
But many of these companies – representing 30% of
the region's industrial base – face energy price rises of up to 30% by 2020 and
50% by 2030, as a result of the UK’s green policies.
There are also concerns over the security of the
UK’s energy supplies with businesses facing potential blackouts as early as
this winter, due to the loss of significant quantities of baseload, fossil fuel
power in place of intermittent renewables.
Steve Holliday, the chief executive of the National
Grid, last week warned the UK will have to tailor its energy use to the
Speaking to the Daily Telegraph he said that
historically, energy users had "expectations that the supply will always
be there" to meet maximum demand.
But "with renewables in the world in which we
are moving towards" this would no longer be the case as it would make more
sense to shift energy demand to times when the wind blows or the sun shines.
"We have to get used to a world in which when
power is cheap we use it, when power is expensive we find a way of not using
it," he said.
This seems like a backward step in an advanced
economy and is one of the reasons why we need to get on fracking for shale gas.
The Royal Society, British Geological Survey, WaterUK and Public Health England
all says it’s safe.
Gas has 50% fewer carbon emissions than coal and can
act as a low carbon bridge to a less carbon intensive future, alongside nuclear
power, energy from waste and renewables, in particular solar.
Last month two close environmental and liberal
allies of President Obama, former senators Tim Wirth and Tom Daschle, called
for the whole treaty framework of mandatory emissions limits to be scrapped in
favour of a greater focus on energy innovation and adaption.
This makes sense. We have to find a way to replace
dirty energy technologies with cleaner ones, and develop low carbon
technologies that can broadly scale without the need of costly subsidies.
We will have to eventually wean ourselves off fossil
fuels but the top down policies we currently have are out of date.
They were drafted when we thought we had reached
peak oil, but that has now been overtaken by the shale revolution and we need
to enter a new era of climate pragmatism.
Peter McCusker, Energy Writer
Follow Peter McCusker on Twitter @mccusker60
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