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Blaming CO2 Is The Analog Answer To Climate Change


OVER 125 years ago Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius fingered carbon dioxide role for its role in warming the planet.

At the time it was seen as a good thing - after all it’s the cold that kills - but over the ensuing decades there’ve been a few revisions to how this additional CO2 is perceived.

It is now the sinister suspect behind 200 years of global warming and is demonised in a way the witches were in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Just as the witches were castigated for spoiling crops, and inducing bad weather, CO2’s fingerprint is now apparently detectable on almost any climatic event. 

Such is the man-made warming mania that for the last five years the green stenographers in the BBC and mainstream media have neglected their duty of impartiality to the British people by claiming climate science is settled (1).

But, surely it is not unreasonable to question how, and why, this trace gas, at a mere 0.04%, or 400 parts per million (ppm) of the atmosphere - and essential to life on earth - has been demonised.

As a consequence of this C02 climate dogma we are all being asked to massively alter the way we live our lives - at what will turn out to be a phenomenal cost -  yet we’re not permitted to openly question and debate the 125-year-old plus science underpinning this change.

What other disciplines of science cleave to a decades-old dogma in the light of new and emerging evidence? 

The IPCC and Man-Made Global Warming

Ask the passing pedestrian what drives changes in global temperatures and they will most likely say the sun - so why has this huge ball of energy, over 100 times the size of the earth, been excluded from the warming equation?

The answer to that question is the IPCC - the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - which decided at the time it released its first report in 1990 that the sun should be discounted.

The nub of the IPCC’s narrative is that the energy output of the sun is constant and that man-made C02 emissions in the atmosphere are driving warming by preventing reflected surface, solar heat from radiating back into space.

Now, on to their sixth report, the IPCC continues to demonise C02, but over recent decades there has been bucket-loads of research by eminent scientists to counter this imposed narrative.

It is worth noting, at this point, that the IPCC was created by the United Nations, and is the brainchild of the, China-domiciled and now deceased environmentalist Maurice Strong, a well-connected Canadian communist; hence the presence of statist language such as Conference of Parties (COP) (2).

Solar Cycles

The sun provides 99.9% of the energy to the Earth’s climate system and, like many other stars in the solar system, has a magnetic field which controls variations in its output over time.

These are known as solar cycles and have been shown to impact the Earth’s climate. They have been identified in timespans of 10 to 1,000s of years, and understanding the nature and impact of these is still an under-developed field of science.

But, taking for example the last 10,000-or-so years since the last ice age - a period known as the Holocene - and certain patterns begin to emerge.

The 2,500 Bray/Haslett cycles have ushered in alternate warm and cool periods, with additional mini-cycles lasting circa 200 years, known as Grand Solar Minima or Maximum, overlaid.

These led to the Medieval, Minoan and Roman warm periods as well as the the Little Ice Age, of a few hundred years, and similar solar minima during the early Holocene.

The warm periods saw the human population flourish whilst the the colder ones had the opposite effect.

The Little Ice age - known as Maunder Minimum - saw a reduction of solar energy by 0.22% from the modern era, and a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature by 1.5°C. (3)  

The planet came out of the Little Ice Age in the early 18th Century and has warmed some 2°C since then in line with previous, post, ice-age warmings.

This period has seen the population of the planet increase from two billion to eight billion as societies rapidly industrialised, supported by the fossil fuel revolution.

As the earth circles the sun it does so elliptically and it also tilts whilst rotating in what has been identified as the 20,000 year-plus Milankovitch Cycle.

Further studies have shown that solar output is impacted by the gravitational forces of the Earth, Venus and Jupiter which are believed to exert a tidal effect on the sun, similar to that of the moon on the Earth (4).

Stored Ocean Heat 

The oceans account for some 71% of the Earth’s surface and the energy received from the sun can penetrate to depths of over 100 meters.

They operate in centuries-old cycles due to their size and depth and effectively provide a memory of the planet’s temperature changes over thousands of years.

However, the energy reflected back into the ocean by greenhouse gases is next to nothing; penetrating the skin surface ocean layer at no more than a few microns - a fraction of a millimetre.

Recent research has looked more closely at the nature of this stored ocean heat and its impact on the climate.

Some of this heat is stored in natural, deep ocean, solar ponds, where temperatures can reach up to 90°C. These dynamics can have have enormous impacts on global temperatures, determining, for examples, the strength of El Nino and La Nina weather events (5).

The most significant natural solar pond is the Indo-Pacific Warm pool - north of Australia - with temperatures of almost 30°C - it is nicknamed the ‘Earth’s climate heat engine’.

The impact of these ocean dynamics was most noticeable 100m years ago, when shifting ocean currents warmed Antarctica leading to the growth of abundant, lush forests, and saw dinosaurs replace the ice.

Then, despite C02 levels being four times greater than they are today, the return of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current some 70m years later saw Antarctica return to its current icy state.

In Antarctica today, despite dire predictions that the ice will melt, the ice sheets are, on the whole, increasing in size and the rising levels of C02 are said to be exacerbating this cooling.

If C02 is driving temperature rises then the record temperatures set in the 1930s would have been surpassed in the following decades, but from the 1950s temperatures fell and there were warnings in the 1960s that - rather than warming - the planet was in danger of freezing.

From 1950 to 1975 Northern Hemisphere cooling was 0.2°C, reported the New York Times in the late 1970s (6). No plausible explanation has been validated for this temperature anomaly, when C02 emissions would have been accelerating rapidly.

During the 1950 to 1975 global cooling period the Pacific Decadal Oscillation  (PDO) was in a negative phase, sea surface temperatures were low and global temperature decreased. 

From 1977 to 1998, global surface air temperature increased as the PDO moved into a positive phase. 

While this all appears consequential in the discussions around how, and why we are re-shaping our societies, it is unfortunately not treated that way by the established global authorities.

And, as consequence of the slavish adherence to the man-made C02 narrative - and the billions of pounds that is directed towards the climate models which are drafted to support this - these still remain relatively unexplored backwaters of science. 

Urban Heat Island

Throughout the history of the planet researchers have shown that as temperatures rise, then C02 levels also rise, although the IPCC says the causal relationship is inverse (7).

The effectiveness of C02 as a greenhouse gas is muted as its atmospheric presence increases due to a process called saturation.

Each additional 100 ppm increase of CO2 in the atmosphere causes a smaller and smaller change in temperature (8).

This explains why temperatures were not catastrophically high when CO2 levels were 10-20 times higher than they are today, hundreds of millions of years ago.

The most prominent greenhouse gas is water vapour, which partially explains the record high temperatures recorded in 2023. The Huna Tonga volcano in the Pacific Ocean ejected 146m tonnes of water in late 2022, raising the water vapour content of the atmosphere by 10 to15%.

Planetary cloud cover - essentially water vapour - is a function of solar activity with increased solar eruptions shielding the Earth from the Galaxy’s cosmic rays and subsequently reducing cloud formation.

In the last few weeks newly-published research contends that the Helisophere - the area under the influence of the sun - is itself subject to disturbance from deep space radiation and galactic rays.

Boston University scientists say there is evidence that around two million years ago such a deep-space event occurred, plunging the earth into an Ice age (9).

Over the last 30 years we have had numerous dire predictions on the loss of glaciers, the Arctic ice disappearing, the end of snow, but these have all proved to be wrong.

Alarmist Propoganda 

Chief man-made, climate propagandist former US Vice-President Al Gore predicted in 2009 it was 75% likely the entire North polar ice cap, during the summer months, would be completely ice-free by 2015. There has been no noticeable change since then.

This is just one of many catastrophic predictions, but more sinisterly has been the doctoring of past temperature figures by supposedly non-partisan Government bodies such as the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The most prominent being the Hockey stick alarm which saw US science activists paint a wholly incorrect temperature data chart - removing the Medieval Warm Period - and massively exaggerating the recent warming trends.

As the global population has grown, societies have urbanised and the weather stations are now surrounded by buildings, tarmac and concrete. 

Such locations, enveloped in this urban sprawl, produce exaggerated temperature readings subject to an 'Urban Heat Island' effect.

One of the many positions used by the man-made climate advocates is that ‘97pc of scientists agree’, and while it’s true that most scientists acknowledge the role of Carbon Dioxide as a greenhouse gas, they believe other factors, such as those discussed above, play a larger role in the changing climate.

Thousands of respected scientists object to the man-made, imposed narrative and when they do speak out - as did US Nobel prize winner, physicist John Clauser then, they risk being cancelled (10).

Here, in the UK the Met Office is not immune from climate alarmism, but its figures for UK sunshine levels since the start of the 20th Century shed some light on recent warming.

Since 1910 the number of hours of sunshine has risen by 25%, a pattern reflected across Europe as a result of reduced cloud cover .

Over the coming decades the way in which we live our lives is set to change dramatically as a function of this the analog answer to an issue which is multi-faceted, technically complex, huge in scale, and under-researched.

Science is rooted in uncertainty and the truth can only be delivered through observation and experimentation, not models. Take away doubt and we’re left with religion.

So maybe, just maybe, as things stand, it would be better to have a question that cannot be answered, rather than an answer that cannot be questioned.







6. v=wl3_YQ_Vufo&t=6s








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