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Blaming CO2 Is The Analog Answer To Climate Change

  OVER 125 years ago Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius fingered carbon dioxide role for its role in warming the planet. At the time it was seen as a good thing - after all it’s the cold that kills - but over the ensuing decades there’ve been a few revisions to how this additional CO2 is perceived. It is now the sinister suspect behind 200 years of global warming and is demonised in a way the witches were in the 16th and 17th centuries. Just as the witches were castigated for spoiling crops, and inducing bad weather, CO2’s fingerprint is now apparently detectable on almost any climatic event.   Such is the man-made warming mania that for the last five years the green stenographers in the BBC and mainstream media have neglected their duty of impartiality to the British people by claiming climate science is settled (1). But, surely it is not unreasonable to question how, and why, this trace gas, at a mere 0.04%, or 400 parts per million (ppm) of the atmosphere - and essential to life on
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'Saving' The Planet Or Saving Mankind?

THERE’S a lot of chat about saving the planet and it’s not something many would disagree with. If it comes to saving the planet or the human race, then, I imagine, the former would feature more prominently than the latter, for many. It certainly does for leading climate Professor Bill McGuire of University College of London who recently called for a cull of the human population in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ‘save the planet’.  Created around 70 years ago, The Earth Clock - heralded as a physical representation of man’s disregard of Gaia - is currently set at 90 seconds from midnight! However, at 4.5bn years old the Earth is still in a sprightly middle age and maybe, just maybe, it's more robust than we give it credit for. Over its many Epochs it’s been hot and it’s been cold, it’s seen-off the dinosaurs and host of other species and who’s to say the human race is not next? Hot And Cold We came out of the last ice age around 10,000 years ago and the current Period